Laura Arnold
Self-Portrait, 2021Digital29.7 x 21 cm
11 3/4 x 8 1/4 inDigital art, created in Procreate. This is me, deep in grief. My first self-portrait, lips tight, afraid to speak words of pain and darkness. The only way to express such sorrow was through the deconstruction, and subsequent rebuilding, of myself via art. Digitally created in May 2021. My artwork tends to reflect my chaotic inner world, allowing me to express visually that which I find uncomfortable to express verbally. This self-portrait was my first and I see in it a moment of true vulnerability. After years of neglecting my inner world, I now acknowledge the wounded elements of myself and use art to reconnect my inner child with my wiser, and hopefully slightly more mature adult.Self Portrait Prize 2023
Online Exhibition
Self Portrait Prize 2023
Shortlisted for the Self-Portrait Prize 2023