Emily Tull
As if she was a ghost in her own life, 2022Thread painting - hand embroidery38 x 40 cm
15 x 15 3/4 in£ 850.00This self portrait conveys the time when (for good or bad) life is happening and you don't feel you are quite part of it, physically present but not necessarily mentally. Caught in a bubble like state, with noise whooshing around and you feeling like you are watching from the outside like a ghost. My portraits are inspired by shapes created in layers of ripped wallpaper and advertisement boards. These accidental patterns and layers represent a sense of history and time, especially in a home. In these portraits the layering of fabric/wallpaper represents the layers of skin, life and history. They are never complete, just a hint of the person let behind and it is left to the viewer to complete the person/create the story.Self Portrait Prize 2023
Online Exhibition
Self Portrait Prize 2023
Shortlisted for the Self-Portrait Prize 2023